Why Does Every College Need a Learning Management System with Online Exams?

Lakshit kale
4 min readDec 4, 2020

George Horace Lorimer, one of the renowned American Journalists & Author quoted a beautiful thought. I would like to share it before we talk about anything.

So, it goes like this -

“The aim of the college, for the individual student, is to eliminate the need in his life for the college; the task is to help him become a self-educating man.”

Just understand how the author has summed up the ultimate aim of education in a subtle way!

However, as the times are changing, so are the rules and regulations of pursuing education! Now, you won’t get to see those laughter-loaded college classrooms blocked by hundreds of students and a teacher. The COVID phase has really turned the tide. This is the digital era that’s being ruled by e-learning software and learning management systems (LMS).

No college — be it private or autonomous can think of attaining the best of the best without taking the help of edTech. You can learn more about how the learning management system works in one of my previous blogs. And, in this blog, I’ll shed light on a “not-so-talked” yet “crucial” aspect of LMS which is — online exam integration.

All educators would agree on implementing college software, but the crux of why online exams are so important is still under-rated.

So, let’s begin -

A. Daily Classroom Teachings: Impacting Students Positively or Going in Vain?

In traditional classroom settings, as a teacher, you get so many advantages in terms of judging students.

By “judging students” — I mean, in a good way. You get to see their real expressions, their doubts; they are more vulnerable when they are in front of you.

This thing is missing in the online education system. No matter how great your college ERP software is, you still won’t get that satisfaction that you’d got earlier.

Quite a relatable situation, right?

However, you can’t complain. You can’t ask your students to come to the college physically.

Here, an online examination system is the best gift you’d ever receive from technology!

With online exam management software provision, you can take daily quizzes, give short assignments to students on a daily basis, and identify whether they are really “learning” or just being a part of the new virtual life.

B. Test Your Students in Multiple Ways

I remember, when I was in college, there used to be two types of assessments.

One was the verbal exam and the other was the written exam.

And, I used to stutter when verbal exams were held. Even I developed a fear of talking in public because of the same reason. So, my intention behind sharing my personal experience is — examinations make a deep impact on students’ minds!

Regardless of how confident students are, it is imperative for K12 faculty to help them grow in all areas of life. By using a learning management system with online assessment tools, you can test the skills of students in multiple ways! You can arrange a verbal exam on video calls, you can ask them to write descriptive answers, or even you can arrange online group discussions to maintain a happy environment in your virtual college. That’s a boon, in simple words.

C. Get Your Facts Checked & Take action

Are the students good enough in writing answers?

Are they more interested in logical things?

Do they enjoy group discussions?

Who’s the mathematical genius in the class?

Who’s the next “Shakespeare”?

Well, you can find the answers to all these questions with the help of an online examination management system with inbuilt AI-dashboard integration. You can see the stats and figures or even other presentation formats where you get all the necessary information including, but not limited to — students’ skills, students’ academic weakness, strengths, subjects they love, subjects they find difficult, and much more.

The best part is, you don’t have to be a “scientist” to do the analysis. You just need to log in to the college management software portal and access the information within a few clicks of a button.

In a nutshell — don’t ask me why colleges like you need a learning management system with online assessment and exam tools!

Ask me how I can help you arrange a demo of the college software!

Well, I am excited to tell you more benefits of LMS, are you interested?

Ready to take the FREE virtual demo to understand it in detail? Let’s get connected today!

